Thursday, 12 February 2009

ermmm... Stem cells revisit....

check this:

anyways... since i suggested they might be worth buying...

PRI: -2%
OFIX: +3%
ASTM: +16%
OSIR: +13%
CRA: +20%
CYTX: +32%
STEM: +42%
GERN: +63%

S&P500 +70bps....

I hope you got some on board!


  1. No doubt that is one of the few places that has legs.

    Man, this commercial/construction shoe is ready to fall and it is going to be huge and ugly.

    Breaking down retail sales today as being positive was absolute crap. Grocery, Gas, Non store retailers (heating oil for instance)and restaurants are the only things making this number positive.

    Ahhhh Crap...

    We have massive problems forthcoming. MASSIVE.

  2. Sadly, I didn't get on board. All my money was tied up in commodities at the time.

  3. Missed that boat. All my money is tied up in the fact that I don't actually have any.

  4. Kitten..LOL.

    Hey whats with HEATING OIL, jesus we have not used that one here in I don't know how long.
